Casco Bay Adventures

Casco Bay Adventures became an official company in late summer 2013. The idea for CBA was first "hatched" some ten years ago with a bunch of guys hanging out on Stave Island thinking about how much fun other folks would have doing the things we normally do on the bay. We now offer a variety of "adventures". While our "official" motto is "Maine Your Adventure", our unofficial motto is, "What do you want to do (on Casco Bay), we'll do it!!" We invite you to check out our website at .
Casco Bay Adventures
Casco Bay Adventures2 weeks ago
A fun outing w some “local” folks that included fishing, lobstering and touring their way to Harpswell for an awesome dinner at the Dolphin Restaurant. A wonderful way to beat the heat w Casco Bay Adventures!
Casco Bay Adventures
Casco Bay Adventures2 weeks ago
Have you ever wanted to get dropped off on a secluded island beach in Casco Bay for fun in the sun? Or get dropped off on one of Casco Bay's islands open to camping? We can make it happen .... and throw in a dinghy to use while on your adventure. Go to Casco Bay Adventures and complete a booking form to set up your own Adventure!!! #cascobay#visitportlandme#CampingInMaine#mainebeaches
Casco Bay Adventures
Casco Bay Adventures2 weeks ago
Another hot July week coming up. Book a 2 hr or 3 hr "Family Adventure" to get out of the heat and have some family fun. Fishing, lobstering, seals, porpoises, forts and lighthouses, all in one outing. Go to and complete a booking form now!!! John CaterinaJean-Marie Caterina, Scarborough Town Council#visitportlandme#peaksisland#cascobay
Casco Bay Adventures
Casco Bay Adventures4 weeks ago
Out fishing with (should be a charter boat captain) my wife today and caught this beauty. She put up a good fight (the fish, not the wife!) while I was bringing her to the boat. Another great day on the Bay!!!
Casco Bay Adventures
Casco Bay Adventures1 month ago
A great time on Casco Bay for this fun-loving couple from NJ. Fishing, lobstering, seals and porpoises. We love to share our beautiful Bay with visitors to Maine. Contact us at to book your outing.
Casco Bay Adventures
Casco Bay Adventures1 month ago
Hotter than Hades in Portland, but a cool sea breeze blowing out on the bay. Great striper action, today, too.
Casco Bay Adventures